University of Windsor's
Women in Engineering Club
Who WiE Are
Women in Engineering (WiE) is an outreach and community based program that has roots all across the world. Our group was founded in May of 2014 with the aim of encouraging a more diverse and accepting Engineering program here at the University of Windsor and supporting the women currently enrolled in the Engineering Faculty.
We believe that every student has the right to feel welcome in their faculty of choice regardless of gender identity and expression; we believe that diversity (cultural, physical and mental ability, age etc.) is what helps society improve; we believe in collaboration to accomplish higher goals; and we believe that we must learn from the past in order to successfully progress.
F A Q s
What is the club's purpose?WiE is focused on three main objectives. 1) Outreach: To offer resources and support to women in, or interested in, engineering 2) Community: To provide students of all backgrounds the chance of become involved and network with their peers 3) Advocacy: To voice the needs of all minorities and marginalized people within the Engineering student body
Do I have to identify as female to join?No! We welcome everyone into WiE!
What do WiE do?WiE hosts multiple events every year, giving us a precence on campus, in the city, and on a national level. We assist in hosting the University of Windsor's GoENG Girl event, where girls in grades 7-10 come to learn what engineering entails and to participate in a day of fun engineering challenges. We also hold an annual Polytechnique event in rememberance of the massacre that took place in Montreal in 1989. WiE also hosts socials events which include game nights, rooftop movie showings, dinners, and speakers nights. WiE are always looking for exciting, new things to do, so if you have any ideas feel free to come to a meeting or contact us through our contact page.